Category Archives: 20 – Gesture


Exercise Stance

I did quite a lot of quick drawings in the class sessions as warm up exercises but they unfortunately got lost before I could take them home. They were really quite rough and not necessarily worth keeping. I find quick, rough sketches incredibly difficult and usually end up with a lot of rubbish. I prefer precise, detailed drawings. The large drawing here is one of the sketches I managed to save.

Exercise Energy

Again, this was a difficult exercise for me. I cannot produce decent quick sketches showing movement. I struggled with this and skipped quickly on to the next section. I will before the end of the course come back to it and try again.

Check and log

How well have you managed to capture the poses? What could be improved?

I struggled to produce sketches of the moving figure and if I did I tended to work on them and continue with pen or watercolour to improve them. I realise that this wasn’t the object of the exercise and need to go back and rework some of this section.

Do you think that your figures balanced? If not where did you go wrong?

In the sketches I did the figures were proportionally correct but failed to convey a sense of movement perhaps?

How did you go about conveying a sense of energy?

Curved, sweeping lines and more fluidity in the drawings.