Category Archives: 22 The clothed figure

The clothed figure

Exercise Fabric with line and form

For this exercise I draped a cotton cloth over a chair and started by drawing the outlines. I drew in the folds and then in the second sketch tried to shade the fold lines. In the second set of drawings, I reduced these clothes from a washing line to simple line drawings. I had originally drawn them for another project they depicted the form of clothing well.

Form and movement in a clothed figure

In these sketches I tried to capture the pose and also the feeling of form within the clothing. I tried to shade using hatching rather than tone. I like the couple lying on the grass. I guess to improve this section of the course I could do a more detailed and longer drawing of a model. The 2 drawings below were also something I had done for another project but I had spent a lot of time looking at how the clothes fell and the folds.


Check and log

Did you find it easy to approach the figure as a whole or were you distracted by details of the sitter’s dress?

I roughly sketched the outline of the forms for each person and then started sketching in the details. I was always aware of the shape, form and proportions of each person. I tried my best to keep true to the correct proportions.

How did you create volume in the folds of fabric?

I am not sure that I did that well, perhaps it was more successful on the first page of sketches.

Does the finished drawing give a sense of the figure beneath the fabric?

Again, I am not sure the drawings are detailed or finished enough to critique this. I do feel that they are 3 dimensional rather than flat and 2 dimensional and have a feeling of form.

How would you tackle a drawing like this again?