Category Archives: 23 – The moving figure

The moving figure

Exercise Sitting and waiting

I sketched different people in different poses and tried hard to capture the mood of them as well as draw them correctly. I drew these people from observation except for Adele which was from a photo in a magazine. I used an HB pencil and stuck to mainly line drawings with a little shading. I do not have the confidence to sketch with charcoal as it usually ends up in a grey mess. I do enjoy using colour pencils, as I like the control this gives. Again, these drawings are rather structured and controlled, I need to work on loose sketching with more freedom.


Fleeting moments

I have a few sketches of people in movement or when it was not easy to sit and draw. I found this difficult to organise so this section is another that needs working on. My husband playing golf started as a quick sketch but again I worked on it to make it more presentable. I really don’t like the quality of my quick sketching and will make this a focus for the next and final assignment as well as more detailed work.

Check and log

How well did you manage to create the sense of a fleeting moment rather than a pose?

Not so well, I think it is an art in itself to be able to sketch just a few lines and make it look good. Unfortunately, I don’t have that skill. Even though these sketches were quickly done, I still feel that there is a feeling of pose.

How successful were your attempts to retain an image and draw later?

I struggle to draw realistic things from memory. I prefer to have the image in front of me, whether a real model or photo.

Were you able to keep to a few descriptive lines to suggest the person’s movement or were you tempted to keep introducing more elements into your work?

No! I felt the need to complete the drawings too improve the sketches. I will work on this technique as I think practice will help.