Category Archives: 26 Line drawing

Line drawing

Exercise Line Drawing

I tried several continuous line drawings such as the one illustrated here but confess to looking far more at the page than was suggested.  I did, however, manage to draw without lifting the pencil.   The following drawings are all an attempt to use line to show form and shape.  I used hatching and cross hatching and varied between pen and pencil.  This exercise was a good opportunity to vary the subject matter as well as the technique.

On the left is a sketch of the artichoke flower using hatching to add tone and form.  Below I have drawn a bisected artichoke using pen.  This is almost graphic in appearance and the more I have completed in this course the more I realise that I much prefer graphic and stylised drawing than still life

I think the drawing on the right below works well as there is depth and form developing in the drawing.  The pen work gives sharp angles and roughness to the drawing.

The sketch on the right was drawn as a negative space drawing, focusing on the spaces between.  I purposely haven’t coloured everything black around as I wanted to leave it as a simple line drawing.  It has been interesting to study the subject matter from different angles and in line form but I am also looking forward to introducing some colour work.