Category Archives: 27 Tonal study

Tonal study

Exercise Tonal Study

I spent a long time on these studies, especially as one of the critiques from my tutor is a weakness in tonal work, so I needed to improve this area in my work.  I also tried to show different view points as the texture, colour and tone varied greatly depending on which part of the artichoke I was studying.

I am happy with the results and am beginning to feel more comfortable with pencil work.  I have always enjoyed working in colour pencil and building up layers and blending but found grey pencil work less enjoyable and time consuming.  For these studies I used mainly HB pencils but also softer and harder pencils as required.

The study on the left is in charcoal, a medium that I am the least comfortable with.  Although fairly simplistic I think the drawing works well and does show form and shape.  I find that charcoal is difficult to control and quickly becomes messy if one if not careful.  It is not a medium I would consider for a final piece but I will explore more with it in the future.

The two studies on the left of the same angle are drawing in pen and soft graphite pencils respectively.  They are not as detailed as the other drawings but have merit as studies in different mediums.  The bottom sketch although not overly detailed does show depth and the proportions and shape are well drawn.