Category Archives: 29 Looking closer

Looking closer

Exercise Looking closer

For my first two studies looking closer at the subject I choose to use different mediums, pen and oil pastels.  I chose the view of under the artichokes where there are lots of interesting shapes and colour differences.  I started with the oil pastel study which I outlined briefly in pencil.  This medium shows texture and colour and blending rather than detail.  I chose to put 4 artichokes together and focus on the two at the front.  The pastel were difficult to blend but I was looking for a stylised effect so I am happy with the outcome.

The pen drawing of the same view is more detailed but again a stylised version.  I took inspiration for this piece from the colour version.  I tried to limit the shades used and rely on the line work to show form and detail.

I apologise for the quality of this photo below but I realised I had not taken a decent photo before sending of to my tutor so had to rely on this taken with my phone.  I decided to work on tonal shading for the next two studies as I need the practice.  These detailed studies took a lot of time and required careful observation of the subject matter in front of me.  I really enjoyed doing these drawings and am happy with the result.  The form and shape are well represented especially in the concentric circles which were hard to follow.