Category Archives: 15 – Perspective


Exercise Parallel perspective – an interior view

 This type of exercise is more in my comfort zone.  I like perspective drawing and tend to feel comfortable with precise and accurate drawing.  I like simple, graphic styles so this suited me.  The first is the hallway of a friends house which is roughly sketched in situ and then finished from a photo.  I choose to work this piece in colour pencils as their was the striking effect of blue and yellow.  I am happy with the perspective although I do tend to bend the vertical lines, perhaps a ruler might have helped in this instance.

The perspective seems correct, everything going back to the 1 point.


The corridor on the left above is my entrance hall which is very plain but I wanted to focus on the lines of perspective only.  The drawing above right is more detailed with shading.  This is a view into a bedroom from the corridor.  There were lots of angles to think of and perspective to think about in this drawing which took quite a lot of time to do.  I found with these drawings it was useful or even imperative to stop and look from a distance regularly to check the perspective was correct.

Exercise Angular perspective

This was a first attempt at angular perspective and is a sketch of a building situated in our village.  I took my pad and sketched the outline in situ and then finished it at home.  I tried the medium of oil pastels but regret this decision.  I found it impossible to blend and also work in any detail.  I find this sketch looks very primitive and basic although I actually spent a long time on it.  I think oil pastels should be used for less rigid structures and themes.  The angle on the right of the building is also leaning too much to the left so the perspective is a little false.

Check and Log

What problems did you find in executing perspective drawings?

Getting the vertical lines vertical was the main problem I encountered.  Sometimes you get too into the drawing and forget to check the lines and their position.  You need to imagine the vanishing points as they are often way off the page.

Make note on the merits of using, or not using, rulers to guide you.

In general I prefer not to use rulers when sketching buildings as it tends to take away the spontaneity of the drawing.  I think that occasionally checking with a ruler might have been a good idea.